Saturday, June 21, 2008

First Harvest!

A week later, carrots are thinned. You can kind of see the spacing in this picture. OK -- who likes thinning carrots, by a show of hands...? Anyone? Anyone? Heartless thinning of strong little sprouts is one of the hardest chores of the gardener.

The first cuttings of the Bull's Blood beets. They are the most beautiful silvery red--the photo really doesn't do them justice. Although they are still tiny, I took one leaf from each beet for a salad.

Happy sweet potatoes, about a week later. You can kind of see four volunteer beans near the fence if you look hard. These are blue Shackamaxon beans, from the Lenape Indians of the Delaware watershed, where I grew up. I grew them last year, on the trellis that we replaced with this fence. I didn't really have a place to squeeze them in this year, but I guess I'll string up something for them to climb on. They are an exceptionally beautiful sapphire blue as shelly beans, which darkens to black when they dry.


Rachel said...

I love the Four Square Society sign there in the second photo- and congratulations on your first harvest!

Unknown said...

Thanks. I sent a template to the Growing Hope office. But I also made a few -- if you want one, contact the GH office or me. I'd be happy to drop off a sign to you so you can mark your garden as a Four Square --